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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. Authenticity

Many of us do not know what it means to stand in our own truth light . What does that even mean ?

What it means is being authentic and showing up to life  stripped bare of the masks we wear to please the world .
We all wear masks, the key is noticing whether they are causing us happiness or leading towards suffering.

When we live out our life trying to people please , impress others , follow the crowd , fit in , follow trends and try to stand out or pridefully thinking we are somehow original, better or cool we are not standing in our own light .

We can be really afraid of what being our authentic self means . So we continue acting out with our various inauthentic masks upon the world stage.

Because we so fearful of rejection , of being alone , of being ridiculed and so forth we are unable to be courageous enough to change the narrative.
Often this is where a huge life shift happens , sometimes it shifts us well and sadly sometimes we sink.

If we understand how the energy of life works we should also know that until we truly face these vulnerable parts of us we will all live life a little dimmer , less fulfilled and never meeting our true light and the bliss and liberation that brings .

Thank you for reading.


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