Theta Healing ®

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Theta Healing ®


What is Theta Healing ®?
Theta Healing ® is an amazing therapy which can help you to transform any aspect of your life.
If there is anything about your life at all that you want would like to change or improve then you can benefit from a Theta Healing ® session.
I have found with a Theta Healing ® session, everybody benefits in some way.
In fact, t can even positively affect those around you. Sometimes the benefits may come in ways you do not expect.
Theta Healing empowers you to re-create your life exactly as you choose…..

What can i expect during a Theta Healing ® session ?

During a Theta Healing ® session, i will work with you to begin to identify which key beliefs are holding or locking in your physical or emotional issue.
As a practitioner i am able to work with you intuitively by tapping in to beyond the conscious.
Once accessed, we will then be able to dig or work down through the layers of beliefs to uncover the bottom or key belief.
When a bottom belief is transformed, the beliefs stacked above it will automatically change. Think of this like a house of cards. Once you remove the bottom card, the whole pack cannot stand.
This process will then instantly free you from limiting patterns without the need to relive any past traumas whatsoever.

The process is checked and verified using muscle testing techniques. The belief or aspect is checked both at the beginning and end of the session to check that the belief has shifted.
You do not need to do anything in preparation for the session, except to bring along what you would like to transform, shift or change. It is also good to be reasonably hydrated prior to the session.
You do not need to have any belief in this or anything else for it to work at all. If you do have a resistance then discussing it with me will allow us to clear that block too!!!

I will work with you and create a safe, confidential and supportive space in which you can explore any area of your life where you would like to see changes take place.
In addition to improving your health and well-being, you can work on anything from finding your most compatible soul mate, to unlocking your creativity, or growing your business.
The possibilities are endless!!!
How great is that!!

For more information about how Theta Healing ® can help you please feel free to Contact Us for a confidential chat.

Prices are on the Prices and Special Tab

For qualifications click here

For testimonials click here

Email : [email protected]

Tel : 07531 191 688

Be free…Be happy….Be healthy!


General Treatment Aftercare Advice For All Treatments.

  • Drink plenty of water as this will help hydrate the body, flush out toxins and improve energy levels.
    Try to relax and reduce any stressful activities.
  •  Avoid coffee and alcohol as these are stimulants and may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
    Eat light wholesome foods.
  • Follow recommendations given during your session or for further treatment as discussed.

You will feel very relaxed after a treatment, however sometimes either during or after a treatment you may feel exceptionally tired and emotional,  headache or general aches and pains, disturbed sleep or deeper sleep and need to urinate more frequently.
Although you may not experience any of these reactions you should be aware that they might occur. These reactions are normal and are called a “healing crisis” where the body is reacting to the flushing away of your toxins and re-balancing itself.
Don’t be alarmed if you feel different after your treatment , these symptoms won’t last long. However if you faint, vomit or have diarrhoea please seek medical advice.