Matrix Re-imprinting ™/ E.F.T

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Matrix Re-imprinting™ / E.F.T

Matrix Re-imprinting ™ is a brand new Meridian Tapping Therapy which has evolved from E.F.T that everybody is talking about.  It is effective for the treatment of emotional or physical issues, it can also be used to manifest your goals and dreams. It evolved from the popular self-help technique E.F.T.

Like it’s predecessors, Matrix Re-imprinting ™  also uses the Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian system that has been used in acupuncture for thousands of years. E.F.T has a long and impressive history of resolving physical and emotional health issues. The way it works is that you bring to mind and verbalise, in a specific manner, an issue that you want to work with.

At the same time you tap on points on your meridians with your fingers, and this releases stress and trauma from the body’s energy system, allowing the body-mind to return to a healthy physical and emotional state. Results for E.F.T have always been phenomenal, and have far and reaching positive consequences for our Western medical model of healing.

So how does Matrix Re-imprinting ™ differ from this already established technique of E.F.T ?

Well, having evolved from E.F.T, it also contains some important differences. For example, in conventional E.F.T tapping on meridian end points is used to take the emotional intensity out of a past memory. What you are left with is to be able to recall your most traumatic and stressful life memories without any emotional disruption or stress, which is obviously extremely useful, as negative past memories keep the body in a state of stress and can contribute to disease. However, with Matrix Reimprinting the memory is actually transformed. You can go into any past memory, say and do what you wished you’d said and done, bring in new resources, and create and transform the picture you have of that memory.

In Matrix Re-imprinting ™ we see these past negative memories as being held as pictures or holograms in your body-field. Until you transform them you keep tuning into them on a subconscious level and they affect your health, your wellbeing and your point of attraction. Changing the pictures creates both physical and emotional healing, and enables you to attract more positive experiences into your life. And by tapping on the meridians of the body at the same time, the process is accelerated.

It is important to recognize that this process is very different from denying what happened. From a quantum physics point of view we have any number of possible pasts or futures, and it is simply tuning us into one that is more resourceful, whilst releasing the stress and trauma that we hold in our body-mind and body-field, due to traumatic life events.

Matrix Re-imprinting ™ has grown into a whole host of exciting protocols, including ones which can transform:
~Negative core-beliefs
~Birth traumas
~Relationships issues
…and many more. You can even work with past-lives and future selves, and also enhance your work with the Law of Attraction.

Matrix Re-imprinting ™ also goes hand in hand with other healing modalities such as life coaching, hypnotherapy, counseling, psychotherapy, all types of bodywork and energy work, and so on. Whatever techniques you use in your practice, having a tool that helps you to quickly transform life traumas enables the body to return from a state of stress so that healing can take place.

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Be free…Be happy….Be healthy!


General Treatment Aftercare Advice For All Treatments.

  • Drink plenty of water as this will help hydrate the body, flush out toxins and improve energy levels.
    Try to relax and reduce any stressful activities.
  •  Avoid coffee and alcohol as these are stimulants and may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
    Eat light wholesome foods.
  • Follow recommendations given during your session or for further treatment as discussed.

You will feel very relaxed after a treatment, however sometimes either during or after a treatment you may feel exceptionally tired and emotional,  headache or general aches and pains, disturbed sleep or deeper sleep and need to urinate more frequently.
Although you may not experience any of these reactions you should be aware that they might occur. These reactions are normal and are called a “healing crisis” where the body is reacting to the flushing away of your toxins and re-balancing itself.
Don’t be alarmed if you feel different after your treatment , these symptoms won’t last long. However if you faint, vomit or have diarrhoea please seek medical advice.

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