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After extensive training in the medical and clinical aspects of Reflexology i became very curious about the relationship between our hormones and just how the complexity affects everything else on some level within the body.

Before i knew it doors were opening and i became immersed in gyro centric work and felt drawn towards Fertility .

There is a growing concern with fertility in the modern world and this is not all down to a medical model.

The work i do looks holistically at all aspects of things that may block the manifestation from the medical , to the biochemical and also the emotional and energy relationship.

I feel very blessed to be on this path and share this amazing journey with each and every womb-an to connecting and receiving .

To share the journey from the fears and apprehensions at the beginning to watching the growth with awe and amazement is a precious journey. When i meet those babies for each and every one i feel so blessed to be a part of that journey of new life.

To heal the womb is to heal the woman.