Living Magically.

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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. Living Magically.

Today i have been thinking about how magical life is when we live from our soul energy otherwise known as our higher self (HS) . When we live our life from this place miracles become common place .


What does it mean to live from our higher self (HS) or soul energy ?

HS is the opposite to the EGO. In fact it is the answer to the EGO.
We just don’t notice it as easily. We have lived our lives with pretty much every thought and action being driven by EGO.
What is even more limiting for us is the external work is predominantly a collective of EGO minds telling us how to live our lives ‘successfully’.
EGO life success is will disrupt and destroy any magic and miracles from being fully realised and ‘normal’ for us.

EGO makes any magic and miracle ordinary or unsustainable very quickly.

When we do the work to connect to this part of us then this is where we are able to access magic , joy , bliss and miracles.

I feel incredibly blessed to share this work with people and would invite you to explore how you are able to access your full potential in this life.

Thank you for reading.


If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.

Zoom Coaching is available for clients who have any limitations or restrictions which may prevent in person therapy.

e:[email protected]

tel : 07531 191 688

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