Our Precious Human Life

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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. Our Precious Human Life.

Our Precious Human Life

I don’t know about you but it can be very easy to live life without thinking about how precious it is. We can waste time on meaningless activities and wish for time to pass if we are bored or unhappy.

When each day ends we expect the next day to come, and yet we could die at any given moment. I know from my own life how many times I have expected to see a loved one and then , just like that their life expired.

If we could see into the future and know for sure that we only had 1 month,  1 week , or 1 day left , would we spend those precious final precious moments on meaningless activities. Would we wish away time or engage in idle thoughts or negative feelings towards others. I very much doubt it.

I have seen myself people who have been given a shortened timeline of their life and no one lives more fully than a person who has been told they are for certain dying soon.

We wouldnt use £100 notes for a camp fire , yet we can always make more money.
Each day cannot be given back to us no matter how much money we have, each breath in our body is one less. Nothing is more precious than our life , it is the rarest jewel and we should treasure it.

Using the our precious human life in ways that create meaning , purpose and peace of mind make our time here a life well lived.

Thank you for reading.


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