What is a Shamanic Healing session ?
Each and every shamanic healing is completely unique and tailored to your needs. No two Shamanic Healing or Soul Alignment sessions will ever be the same.
The deep layers of trauma , pain or stress that you are living with may be from a deeper held event or pattern within your earlier life. However within Shamanic work it may also be held from ancestral patterns, past etc . Your soul holds the energy of these events along with held imprints from a past life or from ancestral patterns or karmic links.
All of these events whether from this life or not , and conscious or subconscious will prevent us from moving forward.
What does a Shamanic Practitioner do ?
As a Shamanic Practitioner, I am here to work with you and guide you through a shamanic healing / soul retreival to help you to clear the energy or spiritual blockages. The spiritual blockages once cleared allow the soul to return . In doing this it can enable you to find your essence and really become the person you were meant to be.
After the initial consultation, the journey will commence and I then connect with your soul energy , spirit as well as your human energy. I will connect with my own guides and power animals to find out what work needs to be carried out. Then we can begin the healing and cleansing.
A variety of shamanic tools may be used, including feathers, rattle, sistrum, drum, forks, plant medicine, crystals & pipe. I will journey with the aid of the given tools.
I will communicate with you as necessary, and give insights from ancestors, plant wisdom and the spirit guides that show themselves as the journey evolves. I believe that it is important to communicate with you so that you also understand the process and also connect with your higher self.
After the healing I will go through the process with you to allow you to connect again with the release, updates and insights.
This is one of the most powerful healing modalities I know . Usually there is a 21 day release and update for your human DNA whilst the instant field information filters through.
Click here for testimonials.
click here for qualifications.
Other Shamanic Tools
click here for psychopomp or click here for full immersion days (which i highly recommend for their beautiful way of enriching your life).
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Tel : 07531 191 688
Be free…Be happy….Be healthy!

General Treatment Aftercare Advice For All Treatments.
- Drink plenty of water as this will help hydrate the body, flush out toxins and improve energy levels.
Try to relax and reduce any stressful activities. - Avoid coffee and alcohol as these are stimulants and may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
Eat light wholesome foods. - Follow recommendations given during your session or for further treatment as discussed.
You will feel very relaxed after a treatment, however sometimes either during or after a treatment you may feel exceptionally tired and emotional, headache or general aches and pains, disturbed sleep or deeper sleep and need to urinate more frequently.
Although you may not experience any of these reactions you should be aware that they might occur. These reactions are normal and are called a “healing crisis” where the body is reacting to the flushing away of your toxins and re-balancing itself.
Don’t be alarmed if you feel different after your treatment , these symptoms won’t last long. However if you faint, vomit or have diarrhoea please seek medical advice.