The Centre Of Myself

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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. The Centre Of Myself.

I am the creator

Both lens and the image

I don’t need to take a selfie

To know myself

As I develop so clear now to see

How I look is beyond skin

Not coming from the outside

It’s projection within

The picture i create colourful and bright

In the garden of nature of my mind

Sharp view in focus yet landscape boundless

I flows like a broad open river

Deep pools of water reflect my soul

Dewy skin illuminating dawns breaking light

With each sunset i haemorrhage

Bleeding out that slave to self

Manas transcends to my ultimate self

Knowing all is you is me , is bliss

In union with all, to love nourish and heal

Each sunrise reborn unto the centre of myself

Jeni 4:9:24


Thank you for reading.


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