You Are Beautiful

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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. You Are Beautiful.

You Are Beautiful

You are a beautiful person not because of the face you have, the body you have, the colour of your skin or hair and so forth.
You are beautiful because you believe it and also because you act it,

Beauty is a radiant light that will shine if you live life like it is meaningful .
Your own body is already the most precious vehicle that carries you though this life . How can this be anything short of a wondrous thing.
when you truly own this it sends a beautiful glow out to the world .

When you touch others with understanding, loving kindness and compassion you are already a precious jewel to all that you meet. You are radiant.

That radiance makes others feel good and it also makes you feel good .

This glow lights you up and naturally makes you so much more attractive to others in many ways. What a wonderful way to live life.

You are beautiful.

Thank you for reading.


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