Compassionate Heart.

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Hi All,

Welcome back to our blog. Compassionate Heart.

Coming back to the compassion that sits at the centre of your beautiful heart is the only requirement of your soul growth . 

Your mind – brain (ie knowledge and  intellect) has been over used and you cannot trust it in the way that you can trust your heart -brain . 

The mind – brain is all the conceptual thinking you do. It is how you view the world, what your options and judgements are and is forth. Whilst this is helpful in many ways, it can also be incredibly limiting in others.

For example , your mind – brain will try to give you a narrative that is already  based on your limited map if the world. So if you have had a negative experience with lets say a big Alsatian dog running towards you when you are little and this happens again as an adult your mind-brain will run the narrative that Alsatians (or big dogs) are scary.

Unless we stop that discrimination (judgement) from gathering energy we will hold a negative view of certain things in life. this prevents us being in our compassionate heart centre.

 Letting go of your over active mind brain and its ‘foolish intelligence’ and dropping into your compassionate heart brain and its ‘wisdom knowing’ is the only key factor for you to realise peace of mind and a meaningful life . 

Self Consciousness is the opposite of Soul Consciousness , it is driven by the ego and will keep you small and unfulfilled.

The key to life is to grow into our full spiritual expression of ourselves. this is where true bliss , contentment and passion reside. In order to do this fully we need to show up to be of purpose. 

Compassionate Heart.

Thank you for reading.


If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you  then please do contact me.

Zoom Coaching is available for clients who are unable to meet in person.  

e:[email protected]

tel : 07531 191 688

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