Hi Dear Ones,
Welcome back to our blog. Creating Success
This is part one of a blog taster into creating success and lasting change.
As a life coach i want to share with you a taster of some quick tools that i use with my clients to inspire you to begin on your journey to creating success and lasting change on whatever it is you feel stuck on in your life.
The introduction is about creating the story.
If we are stuck in our old patterns of thinking that it is really no wonder we keep getting the same results. We have very fixed ideas about who we are, and this shapes our reality.
Have you ever though ” i tried that and it didn’t work for me” or ” if it wasn’t for xxxx then i would be able to go for it ” .
These are all going to keep you stuck along with the million other stories you are unconsciously identifying with.
Time, energy, kids, resources, commitments , not knowing what your purpose is and so forth are all just mistaken beliefs that you have validated so strongly that you cannot even see that its possible to move beyond it.
We then get stuck in our heads and we keep going around and around with the same loop of thoughts .
Albert Einstein said “We cannot solve our problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. What that means is we need to change the state and the perspective to change the story.

We do have the power to change our story.
If we can divorce the story of limitations then we can make way to create lasting change and success. The story is everything, it is what we identify with. We will live and die by our story.
It is so powerful when we believe it that it can cause our untimely death.
For example a person who believes their terminal diagnosis will kill them is statistically proven to die both sooner and with more suffering.
Of course this is not a conscious thought , it is under the radar and that’s where the issue is , we don’t see our deepest fears and limitations most of the time. Like a virus, we don’t see it until we are experiencing the symptoms. Our thoughts are the same.
So maybe now just take some time to think about what your limiting narratives are within your own story. What are the personalities within that story that are blocking you.
For example : we have a serious part, a fearful childlike part, a victim feeling sorry for themselves part, we have repressed part and so on. Don’t think too much but try and see your wounds as separate parts of you and write it down.
This is just one part of just a sample or taster series of the deep dive work i do with clients for lasting change. The next exercise will follow .
If you wish to work together 1:1 for a deeper zoom session then just contact me @ [email protected]
Thank you for reading.
If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.
Zoom Coaching is available for clients who have any limitations or restrictions which may prevent in person therapy.
tel : 07531 191 688
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