Managing Our Feelings

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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. Managing Our Feelings

Do we ever stop to really think about how much influence we ourselves have in managing our own feelings ?

In our every day life we are almost always attributing our feelings positively , negatively and even neutrally upon some external influence.

If we feel happy or unhappy then we truly believe that is because of some external circumstance , object , event or person.
If we feel neutral then quite often this can be a feeling we also do not enjoy dwelling in for too long believing it to be boring, dull , uneventful and so forth.

Our feelings are really the effect of the previous thoughts. So if we want good feelings then we need to choose our thoughts more carefully.
Intellectually this sounds so easy to apply. Yet the reality of this doesn’t quite match that.

The key to move from understanding this to living life really knowing this this is noticing. Each moment we must sit mindfully with ourselves, that my friends is much harder.

Our deep patterns are ingrained which is why we continually come unstuck the moment we are moved from good feelings to a difficult emotion and we loop cycle into the blame game.

The moment we take full accountability for the feelings is the moment of change….and repeat…and repeat etc etc (to infinity).

the more we notice the more we change. no-one is to blame for anything, it is just a cycle of energy building up.  Lets enjoy this journey together.

Thank you for reading.


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