Awakening Self Awareness

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Awakening Self AwarenessHi All, Welcome back to our blog – Awakening Self Awareness.

This week i have been doing a lot of work , both personally and with clients on self awareness and what that means.

If we have self awareness over a situation or a problem then we are half way there. If we have no self awareness then we are in the state of delusion or spiritually asleep and we will find it difficult to move forward in certain aspects of our life. 

When we are deluded or spiritually asleep then this is where the problems manifest , take root and consume us as we will be continually looking for external factors to blame for the situation rather than observing with self awareness. 

As a life Coach and a Spiritual Coach , the foundation of the work i do is to work on spiritual growth and personal development with clients. 

Awakening Self Awareness

This work involves the primary work of the awakening of self-awareness. 

Most people in life (unless they have taken the path into their own healing), are not yet self-aware, and even deeper than that is the root issue that the majority of those, are not even aware that they are not aware (spiritually asleep).

We all have blocks , issues that we are not able to see objectively or without judgements. 

To begin on your journey of self awareness all you need to do is take a mental step back. Once you do this you can then begin to observe your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and actions. 

When you begin to do this , look at what else is possible, observe other perspectives etc. 

By doing this you will learn about your ‘self’ , your blocks and then you can begin a process of working through these issues as quite often the same blocks show up in other areas of your life. 

The key to life is not to stay stuck in these limiting belief systems, but to look at what is holding you back and see that as a catalyst for growth … is about always learning, always evolving. 

Think about these questions when you are looking at your own blocks

what do you see when you look at this issue?

what emotion enters your awareness? 

Don’t judge it, just observe it. 

What lesson are you learning from this ? 

What are you learning about yourself? 

Where else is this showing up in your life ? 

If you want to work on issues deeper then i do Skype , face time as well as one to one sessions with my clients. 

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how  Life Coaching,  Spiritual Coaching or any of my other work can help you , then please do contact me.


e:[email protected]

tel : 07531 191 688