Healing The Body To Prevent Diseases

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Hi All, Welcome back to the blog – Healing The Body To Prevent Diseases.

Healing The Body To Prevent Diseases

Did you know that Cancer and other inflammatory diseases are due to lack of oxygen at cell level?

Why is this important?

Oxygen is vital to cells as it allows the platelets to be correctly shaped, nice and plump and round. When the cells are not carrying enough oxygen then they change shape, distort and clump together which then becomes a mass which we call a tumour.
If Oxygen cannot be carried to cells efficiently then this will also cause lowered immunity, which not only leads to diseases but also auto degenerative immune condition.

What can we do to increase oxygen to the cells within our bodies ?

~ Modify food choices – Eating foods that are higher in alkaline and lower in acid is one great way to keep the body oxygenised. Green foods such as kale, spinach, broccoli, asparagus etc are extremely alkalising to the body, along with lemons, limes, grapefruits, many nuts and seeds.

~Turmeric has been shown in studies to be tremendously powerful as a preventative health measure for lots of auto immune conditions and studies have even shown tumours regressing when turmeric has been used in turmeric with active curcumin. You can google online for more information on this, look for Pure Ground Turmeric Root with 2.5% – 4% Curcumin Content.

~ Acid forming foods include all sugar that are not from fruits, alcohol loaded with sulphites, processed foods, cakes, biscuits, anything stuffed full of preservatives, smoked meats, red meat and dairy.
You can google a more comprehensive list online to help you make better choices. Try to make your food choices 70% alkaline and these changes over time will help your body become more alkaline and therefore oxygenised which will prevent all kinds of illnesses.

~ Drink lots of filtered mineral water. Water actually oxygenises the body so if you are not drinking at the very  least 2 litres of pure water each day then your cells will be de-oxygenised. I cannot stress enough the value to health on drinking pure clean water . If you can afford it then the best water is reverse osmosis water, however it can be costly. You can buy alkaline water filters reasonably cheaply online.

~Reducing stress within your life. Stress is a major factor in de-oxygenising the body as when the adrenals are responding to stress it takes a massive amount of energy from cells to deal with it. Also, when we are stressed we shallow breathe above the diaphragm line which means we are not filling our lungs with oxygen to transport to the cells for energy.

~Liquid Chlorophyll is very good to include into your daily water or smoothies .

~Wheatgrass, barley grass or powdered Greens are also extremely beneficial in alkalising and therefor oxygenising the body.

~Meditation , Tai Chi and Qi Gong help you to learn to breathe in a slow full way will help you de-stress and learn to breath from below the diaphragm.

~ Forest Bathing is amazing at regrinding your energy and if you switch off the phone and ideally walk alone then you can find the peace within these spaces really helps bring you back to yourself a recharge from the business of life.

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Many thanks for reading
Have an amazing day.

Be free…Be happy!


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