Hi All,
Welcome back to our blog. Living Mindfully.

Living Mindfully – In life i often think that we have lost the art to live mindfully. If i asked you what it meant to live mindfully would you even know where to begin with that thought as a concept ?
What is the mind anyway ? Living Mindfully
We often think our mind is our brain, but how can it be. Unlike the brain the mind has no form or shape. It cannot be read on any scientific instrument.
A little like air, we cannot see it and yet we know intrinsically that it exists.
This invisible thing the Mind . It holds the incredible power to shape our ENTIRE life . Without exception, every single event is formed by the mind. Good and bad .
Wow – Just take a pause to really absorb that above statement for a moment .
Living Mindfully
So if this thing we call the mind has the ultimate power to shape our entire life then why would we not invest our time and effort into getting this powerful tool to work for and with us ?
We spend so much effort in progressing in external things within our lives. Our career, our self image , our status , our appearance etc. and yet the invisible thing that we spend little to zero effort in training in is the very thing that runs the entire life narrative.
I work with people every day to reconnect them to the power within their minds, their soul energy etc and part of this is really showing up and being present in yourself.

Thank you for reading.
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