Perimenopause – what is this all about?

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Perimenopause - what is this all aboutHi All,

Welcome back to our blog – Perimenopause – what is this all about?

I have been doing quite a lot of womb healing shamanic work recently.
Whilst a lot of the work i do is around fertility, i have had an increasing number of women i am working with through perimenopause and menopause.

Perimenopause – what is this all about?

Perimenopause for many women is that point where they are faced with a shift within their own bodies. It is that time when the body is readying to move into the next chapter.

Menopause is a rite of passage into the matriarch

However for many women this time can be full of unrest as their minds and bodies are literally fighting that natural ageing process. Women grieve the loss of their beauty and youth and the more beautiful and youthful they felt the greater perception of the the loss.

The nurturing around this time should be the same nurturing that is given to adolescents on their journey into adulthood. Yet it is dismissed, ridiculed or misunderstood

Spiritually we are morphing into a shift too. From maiden to mother to crone/ wise one or hag. If we are able to listen and work with this time authentically (rather than with what the world has led you to believe) then this can be a very beautiful time.

You are entering into the autumn of your life.

Such a beautiful season – Perimenopause

Spiritually this is a time for space. This is the time you have to create a different meaning. This is time as your mother role has been served (whether you are actually a mother or not as this can be your career etc too).

Spiritually this time should be all about you (not the unpaid child minder whilst your kids carry on working full time!).

This is the time to let that space unfold into the things that were not manifested earlier in life. The hobby, the travel. The just sitting in the garden listening to the trees, the birds with a steaming hot coffee. This is time for you uninterrupted.

Menopause can be a time for a real sense of spiritual awakening and perimenopause is the signposting for you to start to forge those footprints for that change.

Spiritually a difficult menopause is when those signs have been ignored at the perimenopausal stage.

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Purpose Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.

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tel : 07531 191 688

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