The Power Of Illness

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The Power of Illness

Hi all,

I have been thinking about how we see Illness through the eyes of fear.

How often do you consider the power of Illness ?

Illness is something that creates fear , panic ….we want to get rid of it , zap it , overpower it with drugs or cut it out….fast!

In the negative Illness is actually a loss of power in the whole of your system but  … the positive if we can tune  into why it needs to exist it can be a huge power source to change us for the better .

when we become ill a part of our soul becomes disconnected or  lost. So unless or until we heal it at the soul level , we may Be able to suppress its symptoms for a while, but usually it comes back or goes deeper as the symptoms develop deeper within our physical body.

Illness is a message from parts of our soul we have lost touch with, the parts of us that disconnected and dissociated during traumatic events in our lives.

The more the symptoms feel overwhelming and painful, or the deeper they have gone within the body is showing and guiding you back to a moment we need to revisit, feel and bring love and soul connection back to. When we do this, healing can begin. Sometimes it may be a deep healing journey within, everyone is different.

Often those with no physical symtoms at all can be very numb and closed down. Their soul loss may manifest in different way…… they may find within their life there is always some kind of  outward conflict or accidents etc.

✨everything is a message , Our body disharmony is actually a message to bring us back to love.
✨everything in the universe is vibrating to bring us deeper into love.
✨can you allow yourself to trust and follow these messages ?
✨can you allow yourself to live within the flow of true life force and yourself to operate and manifest from soul level ?
✨can you listen to the power of your illness , when you stop trying to control the body it allows you to see your truth …..the body doesn’t lie …The body keeps the score.
✨can you work through to unravel the wounds of your soul loss ?
✨are you prepared to do what it takes to heal yourself ? …. this is the biggie that most people are actually not prepared to do .

The truth is that the power of illness when you aproach it from soul level can reconnect you, this journey may bring you back to the truth …then,ore we heal at soul,level the more we return to our original biological blueprint which is living in a flow of vitality, radiance and vital life-force energy in abundance .

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Many thanks for reading
Have an amazing day.

Be free…Be happy!


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