Hi All,
Welcome back to our blog. War and Peace.
What if….

What if this war we are witnessing is part of the evolution of our consciousness.
What if this war is an energy upgrade…..
>For those who once before said “not on my motherland “ and “no room here” welcomed those seeking home and refuge by extending love and compassion.
>For the logic of the foolish intelligent “ego brain to transform into compassionate wisdom brain of the “heart brain.”
> For those who saw separation and divide to move to unity.
>For those who have supremacy to begin to awaken to this reminder of to how destructive “power over” and “coercive bullying “ plays out when it’s truth is revealed .
> For the hardened hearts within us to melt into our soul and see that we are one.
> For the horror of the modern day reality that comes from primitive power and greed to be witnessed day after day after day . From the comfort we sit in our and watch in nice warm safe homes on screens to witness it all. We feel fear and anxiety from this distant viewing point and yet YOU and I are warm and safe and have a home . This begins to shake us back to life and re-connects us back to true compassion.
> To see how the world joins and unites for peace and for injustices , lies and delusions to be shown and brought out from their shadows .
For this – now FINALLY, we drop to our knees and thank something out there that it is not us , and you know this to be true now .
Now FINALLY , We surrender to its energy as it begins to flow like water from a tap through the rivers of our veins into our compassionate hearts .
Now FINALLY , it is time to leave it flowing from your heart and our souls merges with the collective of all that is and you now FINALLY know the truth.
That you are one with all that is and that it is only your karma of your yesterdays which pardons you today, to allow you to NOT be right at the frontline of this horror film as it unfolds.
So recalibrate your beliefs and unfold your arms and welcome with open arms and heart those who are suffering . Unconditionally give them shelter, money , work , kindness and opportunities ….because next time round that could be your karma which is manifesting from where you are right here and right now .
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