All You Need

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Hi All, Welcome back to our blog – All You Need.

All You Need

Often we can be tricked into thinking that we need to get something more in order to be happy.

If you are reading this then you already have all you need.

The truth is, in the modern evolved world we don’t really need anything. We already have everything we need and so we are in want and not need .

I read a lovely quote the other day  “ What we want is need . What we need is want “ , but I digress .

If we could instead reframe our thoughts to release our pre conditioned attachments and think in a way of giving rather than getting then we would be fulfilled at the level of the soul.


When you give, you get want and need are both satisfied . Deep down we all know this eternal universal law of truth.

The truth is when you release yourself to this truth and focus on giving rather than getting then the universe will always bring us more of that nourishing stuff.

All You Need

Begin giving today and see what shows up for you. You can give in many ways.

  • Start to really invest your time in others. not in ways that suit your time but in what would help another.
  • Begin to invest your care into others who may be struggling and in need of support.
  • Learn to be of assistance and help out with your community , with needs that are outside of your own.
  • Raise awareness if you are a person who other listen to ripple out giving on a more global scale.
  • On how many levels do you see the opportunity to give?

When you show up to this work and give you will realise you already have everything you could ever need.

Thank you for reading.


If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.

e:[email protected]
tel : 07531 191 688

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