Being Present

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Hi All, Welcome back to our blog – Being Present.

Even when you feel like you are sinking, remember that you are actually surviving.

Being Present

Life can feel like it is swallowing you up at times and when that happens it can be incredibly difficult to focus on the good stuff. The mind can overwhelm you with the worst of everything. That inner voice knows your weaknesses and will make them into the big bad wolf of your worst nightmares.

This is why we need to practice being present. If we can practice the art of being present then when these challenging events come we have tools to help us survive each moment.

Do you know the importance of the present?

When we practice mindfulness then we can choose to have good experiences in each moment.

Being present brings you back with a voice to match the catastrophising voice, this voice is soothing and reminds you that you do have inner strength.

This present voice reminds you that in this present moment you can take one more breath, live one more day, try one more time and be brave for one more moment.

Being present is your greatest power. Being present allows you to find your way through the darkness.

These are the moments when the soul can be conscious of itself as a powerful energy.

Consider for a moment the importance of this very moment being all that exists. Know it, feel it, experience it and mindfully enjoy it.

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Purpose Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.

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