Hi All,
Welcome back to our blog. .Free From Anxiety

I feel so blessed now to be in a place where i can release myself from from any contracting , anxiety creating thoughts about how my life “should be “. It hasn’t always been this way for me.
Finding freedom in who you are in the world allows you to feel abundant in your life every day .
I would not exchange the peace , freedom and feeling of purpose that I feel every single day for anything .
I feel incredibly grateful that i have reached a place within myself that when my soul speaks to me, I listen .
Of course I feel fear and low level anxiety, that is a normal reaction . However , somewhere within me i know the difference between what is healthy mild reactions to change and challenge and also what is my soul pulling me away from the external stuff will cause me to feel anxiety, contracted and keep me a prisoner.
I couldn’t imagine anything worse now than being in a contracted world that sucks the creativity , passion and flow from my marrow , and yet once it was something that was a daily programme.
Isn’t it interesting what we normalise.
Free From Anxiety
Now every day I choose happy , I choose freedom . i choose not to be confined and defined by the external and listen to the nourishing voice of my wise soul.
Now every day I help people find their freedom, the road to their happy place. Free From Anxiety.
Be free …. be happy !
Thank you for reading.
If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.
Zoom Coaching is available for clients who are unable to meet in person.
tel : 07531 191 688
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