Hi Dear Ones,
Welcome back to our blog. How Do I Want To Feel ?

Within each day you are going to navigate many different situations . Some of these situations will be more challenging or problematic than others.
Do you ever take a moment to ask yourself each day – How Do I Want To Feel ?
It is likely that you will have situations coming up that you may replay over in your mind . Some of these situations may be loaded with potentials to create stress , anxiety , blocks or fears.
That inner turmoil can cause many issues on all levels of our emotional, energy and even physical systems.
If you are able to take a moment to ask yourself – How Do I Want To Feel ?….
you may find this simple question brings you some capacity and strength to stop the internal negative thought pattern that may be building in your mind.
So simple , and with practice the mindfulness that you begin to develop can reap some very beneficial results.
Building mindfulness will help you find useful ways for you to deal with situations in a much calmer , relaxed and focussed manner.
Thank you for reading.
If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.
Zoom Coaching is available for clients who are unable to meet in person.
tel : 07531 191 688
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