Hi All,
Welcome back to our blog. Keep It Simple.
In the world today we are faced with so many choices and decisions. In all aspects of life there seem to be so many demands from people and from events and wherever we turn in our modern fast changing world, it’s a real challenge to keep it simple.
Keep it simple.

Making life simple means making things easy and clear.
The magic wand to wave over your life is to learn effective planning and prioritising.
Make plans, long and short term and then prioritise. Must do , want to do and ‘feel pressure to do’ or ‘should do’ list. Over time i have grown a wonderful skill of letting the ‘pressure to do stuff’ go.
Learning to boundary your life in this way is an incredibly helpful tool in managing how to keep it simple.
Then practise taking one thing at a time, so you can have one thought at a time, with some space before you have to have your next thought. But don’t get attached to your plans or priorities. Be flexible (easy) and yet focused (clear) and in this way you can teach yourself to think simply and act simply.
One thought at a time. At your own pace. In your own space.
A simple life is a contented and peaceful life.
If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.
Zoom Coaching is available for clients who are unable to meet in person.
tel : 07531 191 688
Check out my webpage for discounted offers to help you during these difficult times.
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