Mugwort – Reclaim your Womb

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Hi All, Welcome back to our blog – Mugwort – Reclaim your Womb.

Mugwort - Reclaim your Womb
I just LOVE working with Mugwort. She is such a beautiful plant teacher and probably my signature tutor in my work as she is the herb of the womb -an.

Artemisia is , for me the most sacred of all of my beautiful plant teachers. I trust her implicitly and when she speaks to me in my work i KNOW without a shadow of doubt that there are womb wounds that need work.

Artemisia aligns us with the goddess energy of Artemis ( the goddess energy which rules the earth and birthing and the moon energy that controls the cycles of the sea ).

Mugwort ceremonies held under the full moon can amplify the work of this beautiful plant teacher.

I often find when she speaks to me that she heals the womb in many ways. I have known her support fertility , ease of childbirth , many hormonal imbalances including tonifying the womb lining. The womb is the chalice for holding emotions too and womb-an often carry ancestral scars which Artemisia can help heal in a shamanic healing session.

Mugwort – Reclaim your Womb

Mugwort - Reclaim your WombMugwort dreams me to remembering my ancestors and their healing abilities. She shows me the truth and guides me on a wonderful journey of reconnecting with those ancient crafts in my work as a Shamanic Vessel for healing.

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any of my workshops can help you , then please do contact me.

tel : 07531 191 688