Space for You

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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. Space for You.

Happiness lasts when we take some time and space for ourselves.

When we create that space it allows is to truly be present and listen at the level of our soul to our own needs and our real hearts desires .

Always find some time for things that make your soul feel happy and alive. The things you chose without needing validation and the things that cannot be shown to others in images and stories are where your soul will be found.

We all have time for what we prioritise , we need to be honest with that.

Often people will perceive that they have less time than others. We all get the same 24 hours.

Really that is about what we choose to fill our time with and what we say yes to.

It is about what we decided we wanted in our life and the effects of those decisions ripening.

We often do not put our own heart based needs on that list . Space for You

It’s such a pleasurable vibration that runs through you when you take time to put your needs first.

Thank you for reading.


If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.

Zoom Coaching is available for clients who are unable to meet in person. 

e:[email protected]

tel : 07531 191 688

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