Just Breathe and Be

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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. Just Breathe and Be. 

Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves back to nature.

Nature is in our nature and yet we can live our lives in the concrete jungle without really reconnecting with the nature of our soul .

Many people work in the concrete blocks of the buildings and then for pleasure will sit in concrete boxes of shopping malls, coffee shops, pubs and restaurants and this can be a continuous cycle of the life we live.

Just Breathe and Be

When we come back to nature we sooth the nervous system, we rebalance the negative ions back to gravity and we re oxygenise our body, This is why we always feel amazing when we holiday. It is not just the rest , it is often because we are more connected to a natural environment. 

If possible take a walk outdoors in your lunch break, sit in the garden with a coffee at the beginning of the day. Sit outdoors with a cup of tea at the end of the day.  Can you switch off from your phone for a while (often we use media to unwind ) . Turn off the tv,ipad as those endless screens that are slowly disconnecting you from your true nature. 

Question this ; remember your inner wild is gentle , playful , creative , free , a bubbling spring of love that doesn’t need any substances to unlock it or permission to be present .

Find her . Find him .

Be free , Be happy

Thank you for reading.


If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.

Zoom Coaching is available for clients who are unable to meet in person. 

e:[email protected]

tel : 07531 191 688

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