Hi All,
Welcome back to our blog. The Ripple Effect .
When we see the state of world events we can very easily feel overwhelmed.
It can be really stressful to feel helpless to be unable to do anything when global crisis after global crisis is presented.
Everyones circumstances are different. We may be impacted in many different ways from the current state of the world.

Our worlds may have been affected directly by problems environmentally, circumstantially or emotionally . We may not be directly impacted but we may be feeling the impacts asa ripple effect of emotional , circumstantial or environmental issues. Either way you need to be living in a cave alone not to be impacted by the current world events.
The one thing that is most needed in these degenerate times is the very medicine that we do not practise. Peace of Mind.
How is it at all possible to have a peaceful outer world if the collective energy units (ie humans) are not able to stabilise peace of mind.
Peace in the outer world begins first with peace within .The Ripple Effect.
You may not be able to see how your peace of mind can prevent war happening , however if we are all particles of energy and we are all angry , closed minded , ego driven tyrants then how are we any different from the one we are watching causing mass destruction on our tiny particles of energy called a TV screen.
Until we finally awaken to the creator energy within us being the war we perceive as external, we will not be at peace.
If you walk into the house angry and rant at your partner , then this causes them to feed into your anger. Its the same on the collective unconscious energy field. The Ripple Effect.
So if you can see how this works it really takes a mass of energy to tip into a continuous stable peace mindset for the rippler effect to gather momentum. If it shifts , the outer world comes back to balance.
Living in true and continuing gratitude , practicing meditation and peace of mind practices daily leads us to peace of mind.
Only when enough of us wake up to this will our energy create a ripple of peace that becomes the world we live in .
NEVER has it been more vital to move away from the hypnotic toxic news feed and into your own gratitude and peace practice .
And practice every single day . Every moment become present in this practice until it becomes an automatic way for you to live.
Do not be deterred, be determined.
You are not only changing your world – you are changing THE world .
This is really important.
This is how we help that which seems beyond help . This is how we change the world .
The Ripple Effect.
Thank you for reading.
If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.
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tel : 07531 191 688
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