Thoughts Are Ripples Within The Mind

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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. Thoughts Are Ripples Within The Mind 

Whether or not we realise it, our words and our actions leave an impact on the entire world .

Every thought we have creates a belief. The particular belief we hold creates a cause which will impact on our behaviour (or action) from that perspective.

Every behaviour (or action) in turn creates an outward energy which ripples into the energy of all whom we meet. Those who we are close to such as friends and family we may be able to see the impact, however the outer world of strangers, enemies and so forth we will never see the effects. 

The truth is we are either ;

~ affecting with positivity or infecting with fear

~We are either healing or damaging

~We are either inspiring growth or suppressing creativity

~We are either motivating growth or limiting beliefs

~We are either leaving a healthy imprint or leaving a fear mongering footprint

If you want to create more peace and harmony within the world check in with what impact you are creating

We are all teachers within our worlds

Our words and actions matter greatly

We often become so channelled on getting our points of view across and being heard that we forget that we are taking more than we are giving . This is self centred

Inspiring others comes from a centred self


Thank you for reading. Abundant blessings.


If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.

Zoom Coaching is available for clients who have any limitations or restrictions which may prevent in person therapy.

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tel : 07531 191 688

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