Window Dressing

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Window Dressing Hi All, Welcome back to our blog – Window Dressing.

We are often so caught up in worrying about how we are perceived by others that we spend all of our precious energy just on the external aspects of yourself to get it all ‘just right’.

Window Dressing

How much of your energy goes into thinking about the window dressing of your life but not in a good way.

How important is it that you look ‘just right’ to the world and what does being ‘just right’ mean to you?

  • It may mean being an ideal body weight which unless you achieve it will make you less lovable.
  • It may mean that a particular part of you is unlovable . That scar or mark you hate. Those wonky, unique quirks bits we believe make us too different to be acceptable.
  • It may be that grey hair will give us away (unless its a trend !)and fixing it will make you more ‘fitting ‘ for the world.
  • That the lines , the folds and creases of our years betray us as we believe that ageing is not where we feel we can belong in this world.
  • It may be that the clothes you wear have to be continually reviewed and analysed.
  • It may mean that you have to have a title to believe you have worth.
  • It may be that unless you have a certain level of material status and buying more things is the only way you can feel you have any importance within life.

Fitting in is really about Belonging

How much of your energy goes into understanding the internal aspects of this. It is not a full and enriching life that has a bountiful window display but nothing of substance should you wish to look inside.

To take time out for reflective practice and observe the mind and what it is telling you.

When you begin to invest in yourself at the level of the mind this is where the work will begin to pay off.

Where your mind goes, you go. You can choose to understand it and learn of your inner yearnings or not.

There is a cost to belonging. You can spend the whole of your life being in longing or not . You always get to choose.

Thank you for reading.

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