Hi All,
Welcome back to our blog. You Are A Light Warrior.

Just pause for a moment to reflect upon what happens when light is shown to darkness ?
It cannot be disputed that the darkness itself will be transformed into light.
You Are A Light Warrior.
In this world things will only be improved by adding light , never by trying to fight darkness. Darkness without light remains exactly that , and you also become it.
To me darkness is just a lack of love that builds up to a point of total disconnect. To self , others and to the vital weave of our connections to nature and life itself .
Since beginingless time a true light warrior has always known that lasting peace cannot manifest from any fight with darkness .
You Are A Light Warrior.
A true light warrior shines through the most degenerate of times and tries their very best to hold unconditional love to bring light in to dispel the darkness .
Judgement , blame , divide , coercion , fear mongering are all conflicts to light work and also block our true power which is to remain in a place of connectedness from the centre of our heart essence.
You are a light warrior, remember yourself as your true essence . Remember yourself with true clarity and shine your gorgeous love on all you meet .
Release judgment if you can find it in your heart for we cannot understand everything.
Those who seem the darkest need it most.
Thank you for reading.
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