Blessed Blue Moon! Blessed Samhain!

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Blessed Blue Moon! Blessed Samhain!Hi All, Welcome back to our blog. Blessed Blue Moon! Blessed Samhain!

How amazing is it that the energy of the Blue Moon coincides with Samhain.

Once in a Blue Moon …that phrase that we use which means that it is rare for these things to happen.

For these 2 seasonal energies the last time of a full moon occurrence on Halloween (Samhain) was 19 years ago. The last full blue moon on Halloween happened in 1944.

Samhain (‘sow-in’) is an extremely powerful and significant time of year and represents the power and energy within nature. This is the time of ‘dying off’ phase as we enter into the dark cycle.

However with the full blue moon energy (in Taurus) it is a good time to look at doing manifestation work on money , love and things that bring pleasure (art ,nature and music ). I shall be painting today and I have a beautiful full moon ceremony to take place at the liminal point today .

This time is also a great time to look at family constellations, karma through the ancestral lines and to work through this with a shamanic healing ceremony.

In Shamanic Practice connecting to the energies at the liminal points brings more potency to the manifestations that you are harvesting.

I love working Shamanically , especially at this time of year. It is the worlds oldest craft and using this time seems to help the energy and power seems to surge somehow.

Reaching out to the Ancestors is so much easier , even for those who are not used to working in this way.

I love bringing the cycles of nature , spirit , the hidden world into healing with clients.

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Work , Soul Journey Work , Energy Healing or any of my workshops can help you, then please do contact me.


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tel : 07531 191 688