Blessed Winter Solstice - Happy Yule

Blessed Winter Solstice – Happy Yule

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Hi All,

Blessed Winter Solstice, Happy Yule to you. 

Blessed Winter Solstice - Happy Yule

I wanted to invite you to be mindful of the rooted and tradition this year when celebrating yule or Winter Solstice. 

I welcome you to honour this time when winter solstice marks the date when the Earth’s axis rotates to the point that the north pole has its maximum tilt from the sun, thus delivering the shortest period of daylight in the year.

This powerful time of year is also a time of reflection, renewal and rejuvenation. I invite you to connect with this energy and hold a ritual or ceremony of your own. 

This year i would like to share a little of my own ceremony with you ; 

  • I smudge my whole home with sage before going outdoors and mapping the land in a mindful way. During this walk i am worshipping mother earth and asking the divine goddess Gaia to show me mistletoe, pine and holly for my altar.
  • I light a beeswax candle at my altar and welcome in the sun with an honouring and worship specifically to the hive.  During this ceremony i  ask the sun to bless the bees with abundance of nectar for the coming year. 
  • I perform a shamanic flow ‘dance’ to welcome in the spirit of all the above along with the elements . I use the energy of drum and sistrum for this. 

Blessed Winter Solstice – Happy Yule

I dress in a specific way for this and honour the sacred space. Now your own ceremony can be as simple as bringing mistletoe or holly into your home or go for it  and be more elaborate. 

I also do a yearly 13 day mini pilgrimage which for me starts on the first day of the winter solstice and each day is a mindful walk where i use shamanic middle world journeying to give me insights / omens / predictions for each month of the following year. Day 13 is a whole year omen journey. 

Blessings for a peaceful 2020.

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how shamanic healing, Soul Journeying  or any of my other work can help you , then please do contact me.


e:[email protected]

tel : 07531 191 688