Headaches and stress

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Hi all,


this week with the lovely English rain Many clients have been in with colds, headaches and generally feeling run down.

If you have many headaches there are a number if things that you can check to improve your balance ….here they are !

~ check your hydration levels, are you drinking enough good pure water. We are 70% water approximately and if you don’t drink enough of it then the system cannot begin flushing those nasty toxins out….be kind to your kidneys!

~are you sensitive to chemicals in food? Many people who eat processed foods have stored toxins from E numbers and additives. Change your diet to basically anything without a whole list of ingredients on the back of the pack…the less ingredients it contains the cleaner it is.

~are you getting enough sleep ? And if you are struggling to sleep well then refer back to the above comment as additives in food have a huge impact on our ability to rest well.

~are you stressed?  stress is part of life and short term we can deal with it but if you have longer term stress then your endocrine will be triggering your blood sugar ( which longer term can affect liver function, affect ability to loose weight and lead to diabetes) your breathing will be shallower ( which can affect the circulatory system longer term and affect blood pressure or even heart attacks or strokes). finding someone to talk to or finding some time to relax May help.  Complementary therapies such as reflexology, massage, Indian head massage have been proven to be extremely effective in reducing stress levels. Talking through blocks in your life with therapies such as EFT can have profound affects on changing how your feel about things.

~ is there a physical reason ( a structural block) ? A qualified kinesiologist or oesteopath can look at your posture and assess if there is muscular or skeletal blocks. We will be adding kinesiology (touch for health kinesiology ) to our portfolio of complementary health care very soon so contact us for more information.

~ do you have too much acid in your system ? cider apple vinegar daily, hot waTer and fresh lemon can both help alkalise the system. Also a longer term balance would be a system cleanse such as my clean 9 to rebalance both the acid and also the hormonal system. Aloe Vera is also a great daily help it will sooth the system and my aloe Vera is full of both solvable and insolvable fibre for good gut health plus has 19 of the amino acids we need plus vitamins and minerals to overall improve long term health.

~ take a good quality omega oil which has been researched to help migraines.

If you would like more information the please call for a confidential chat to make an appointment at Peace Of Mind Health on 07531 191 688.

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Many thanks for reading






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