Dear Wild Woman,
As you rise up from the ashes of dismemberment
Step forth
Bring with you a willingness to be free
You do not need to pack for this journey
what you had before will no longer fit
Those old ways must be left behind
Surrender into the womb of this void
Feed and be nourished on the breast of time
Let this silence fill you up.

When you are ready then step out
It will seem dark as you begin on this path
You may hear familiar callings that try to guide you
Close your ears to those old melodies
They will render you back into captivity
Let the knowing be your beacon
You have been preparing for this
And yet you feel unready
For places that you have only witnessed within your dreams
Let the knowing navigate you
Wild Woman back home
To remember who you really are
To revive and breathe life into the stories
Told from the lips of mothers, sisters, and daughters
Heard by the ears of fathers, brothers and sons
And to keep telling the stories of truth
Wild Woman please do not go back .
A poem inspired by Global Dismemberment 12:12:2020 – jeni Stroud
This is not just for woman , it is for the eyes and ears of all who are awakening to what needs to change .
Change is never readily accepted and we cling to what is familiar even when it is destroying in its essence.
The dismemberment is happening within the landscape of us , our lives , our landscape , our earth and our rules and ways of thinking and being .
Poetry is from the heart , a form of art , an expression born of an emotion in time. If you care to share then from my heart to your heart please do and always credit the artist.