Forest Bathing For The Soul

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Hi All, Welcome back to our blog – Forest Bathing For The Soul.

Forest Bathing For The Soul

Did you know that just a little mindful time in the forest or woods can have tremendous benefits for the mind, body and soul.

This is something that is being researched to fully understand, but there is something that is healing that only the canopy of the trees is able to provide.

In the modern world we have lost that connection to our land and part of the work i do helps to heal people from the soul fragments that have been lost.

I fundamentally believe that this beautiful body of work not only heals against diseases of the body, but also of the mind.

Forest bathing has increased in popularity, as many people are looking back towards nature in these times when our “normal” lives have been disrupted by Covid19.

I truly believe that nature knows what medicine we need to heal and this is why certain conditions are created.

Forest Bathing For The Soul

Have you paused to consider that Covid19 may be in part a manifestation that brings a healing to humanity from what the Shamans refer to as Wetiko (Wetiko is the modern mind disease that is driven by greed, excess, and selfish consumption).

Regular mindful time spent within the woods or forest has been shown to to counter illnesses and improve the immune response.

It is actually being trialled in the UK for mental health and soon it could be prescribed by GPs’ surgeries to boost patients’ health and wellbeing.

Forest bathing is a way of life for me as part of my  life practice. There is so much to gain by just taking the opportunity to slow down and connect with nature.

To gain the full benefit however, it is important to leave your phones, music and any other devices off or ideally at home to gain the benefits I am speaking of here .

If your time is spent posting and editing  pictures of yourself forest bathing then you missed the true beauty of immersion in this therapeutic healing  process.

The healing comes from the mindfulness and the connection of you and nature. The moment we involve the outside world in any way it blocks letting the forest inside of you.

Connecting to nature

Entering into the woods or forest in this way allows you to loose yourself to the busyness of the world whilst finding yourself within the music of birdsong, exploring the vibrant and magical sacred patterns within nature, looking up at the canopy that is your shelter and feeling the earth breathing beneath you.

If you rest and remove your shoes and socks and place your feet on the earth then you will be grounded by the negative IONS of earth which will discharge any excess positive IONS within your body.

Enjoy this time and prescribe yourself this tonic at least once a week, more if you can.

Check out my webpage for discounted offers to help you during these difficult times.

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any of my workshops can help you, then please do contact me.


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tel : 07531 191 688