How Do You Define Success ?

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Hi Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. How Do You Define Success ?

The first thoughts of success may be in terms of possessions such as houses, wealth , cars and other material enjoyments .

We may also determine success in terms of of people such as an attractive partner, an accumulation of friends and followers or even knowing influential people.

For many people success is attached to their status in the world through career , having an influential name or title and so forth.

I believe that success in this way is not sustainable as a tool for lasting happiness. Why , because the wave of success brings happiness for only as long as we ride the wave.

As the wave of success may be diminished very easily, this will in turn makes us restless and dissatisfied once more.

So for example :

We may buy a luxurious house only to find that it also comes with many problems or bound us in fears of lack.

As we become very popular we find, or fear how others perceive us . We may feel that others are envious so may try to damage our good reputation or that we fear what others think of us etc.

We may find that as we are constantly telling people of our successes they either repel from us as our chest puffs up and our unchecked arrogance grows. Alternatively we may find we are in constant ego conversations as others match or beat our own self important goals.

True and lasting success comes from an internal joy wave that ONLY becomes diminished when we bring our self importance into it.

Have you ever thought of success as an inner quality versus one you need to show the world in order for your own validation ?

Have you even thought of success being how we impact the world in a way that even we cannot fully qualify ?

I feel from the centre of my heart that this defines true and sustainable success. This in turn brings  the true and lasting immeasurable joy that accompanies it.

I hope this blog brings you some contemplation within your own life journey.

Thank you for reading. Abundant blessings. 


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