Hi All,
Welcome back to our blog.Is Spiritual Sickness A Pandemic ?
In the western world we are materially wealthy but spiritually poor.
The society we live in values material possessions and status over spiritual abundance. This leaves us all suffocating and starving as we become contracted and undernourished by our lives .
No wonder the predominant illnesses are from contractions of the heart , contractions of the lungs and contractions of the brain .
We are so spiritually dehydrated that this causes dis-ease of our energy systems which over time manifests into both mental and physical illness.

Within the modern developed world we have so many illnesses of body and mind which makes no sense whatsoever in relation to the abundance we have to resource food , shelter , medical care and technology.
When you think about it, we should have seen huge declines in illnesses as we have advanced in the many financial and technological resources we have in the developed world.
The way we are living puts value on the external material (of both body and our lifestyle) and gives huge status on how we can show of our material (of self and life) to those around us.
Meanwhile we pay no attention on the interior material which is not on show for an audience.
In less developed countries whilst they have a deficit in nutrition, poverty, medical care and have basic shelter and sanitation they are also living with spiritual abundance. With this in mind their illnesses we can see are related to their environment.
I really do wonder if this is the same for us…….Is Spiritual Sickness A Pandemic ?
We live in a very false and superficial way which at the level of the soul takes us away from the divine aspect of ourselves.
Whilst we are serving ourselves over other beings and nature , we are cutting off the vital life force of the true spirit of our sacred self.
Until we awaken to this truth then we will never be whole and we will not be at ease or peace.
Thank you for reading.
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