Hi All,
Welcome back to our blog. Living a Valuable Life.
The world we live in teaches us to place value on money , status , titles , having more stuff . We are taught that by being higher in those external things is somehow better or more valuable.
If this were true then surely the richest would be the happiest and the biggest title would bring with it a peaceful and contented human ?
We can see very clearly that this is very rarely if ever the case .
Living a Valuable Life

So , What matters to you ?
It may be that what others think matters a lot to you, and if this is so you will find it difficult to drop into your heart and find lasting peace of mind .
At the end of it all if it were your last week alive then I would imagine that you would not be leaving this world finding pease of mind because of your hefty bank balance , huge house , fancy car etc . I imaging that living a valuable life would mean something different entirely.
Your contentment may be valued instead with time with loved ones , memories , time , love , laughter, feeling at peace involves simple things that are often free of cost .
Thank you for reading.
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