Hi Dear Ones,
Welcome back to our blog. Recovery.

Quite often when we are in recovery from a stressful event or trauma we do not give ourselves enough allowance for our trauma responses. (please note that i am using trauma as the word within this blog to encompass all stresses, grief, loss, illness , emotional or physical issues etc)
When we are recovering from trauma our body will be locked into some or all of these somatic responses:
Pain, anxiety , anger, contraction/tension or fear.
These somatic responses can trigger patterns of behaviour which loop cycle through us until our neural wiring creates a map of familiarity (a habit) . This is where addictions, panic disorders, OCD, anxiety , heart problems , auto immune illnesses and other illnesses manifest. Over time this creates a much bigger problem.
Auto immune issues in particular are a result of a somatic battle happening within the body/ mind when we deny an aspect of ourselves love, true validation and real acceptance.
Whilst we all have a story of trauma , until we allow ourselves to release , reframe and accept who we really are then we will live life in the shadows. We are denying our precious human life the right to step into our full light, our glory and our real essence.
Our vital life force is the essence; it is where we become fully alive .
From this place of healing we do not need to rely on others to support us. We can choose healthily. We do not grasp at activities or possessively covet things for our happiness. This is where we feel the radiant tingling of our light , our vital life force essence that glows .
We then feel alive , peaceful , alert and vibrant whether we are doing or being.
Thank you for reading.
If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.
Zoom Coaching is available for clients who have any limitations or restrictions which may prevent in person therapy.
tel : 07531 191 688
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