The 3 Jewels - Part One

The 3 Jewels – Part One

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The 3 Jewels - Part OneHi All, Welcome back to our blog – The 3 Jewels – Part One SIMPLICITY

At the time of writing this April 2020 we are living in unprecedented times. We are witnessing turning point in history.

With this in mind i wanted to write this blog – The 3 Jewels as a trilogy as it feels like each of the Jewels needs space and contemplation.

The Jewels Part One – SIMPLICITY

It feels like we have been forced into simplicity. The global pandemic of the Coronavirus has pushed us all. We may feel that we have had many of the trappings of our lives taken away.

When we think of simplicity it is not just about the stuff we have or want versus what we need . It is also about how we be.

So its not just about the external (stuff) its abut the internal (feelings ) that are created.

In Buddhism it would be called attachments. Attachments are things that we are addicted to. Things that we feel we cannot live without. The things we get gratification from.
The more attachment we have in our life , the more we feel disconnected when it is taken away.

It can be healthy or unhealthy. This is not about judgment of what it is, it is about understanding it and understanding the feelings that may be generated and recognising in your own life where simplicity can help you move to a more peaceful way of being.

So going back to the jewel of simplicity.

It is a great time to reflect on your life and see what within this is working for you.

To see what clutter can be cleared from your life when you go back into the world.

The more we can own simplicity as a way of being , the more peaceful our lives become.

  • When you can become free from the attachments , the desire of the ‘thing’ you begin to truly master your life.
  • When you can simplify your life then life becomes effortless.
  • When you can see that you already had way more than you needed.
  • When you realise that the ordinary life right in front of you is filled with treasures un – mined.
  • When you seek out the things that nourish the heart and soul.

This is why i believe that Simplicity is one of the 3 precious jewels of fulfilment to your life.


Simplicity brings you back to the soul.

The 3 Jewels – Part 2 to follow .

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Soul Journey or any of my other work can help you , then please do contact me.

e:[email protected]
tel : 07531 191 688