The Cycle of Time

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The Cycle of Time

The Cycle of Time

A symbol to finish the end of a sentence.
A length by the hands of time to serve.
A period of time also known as a chapter.
A message from spirit to free our blood.
A little death in the valley of time.
A crimson river flows down from the womb.
A deep hollow cavern her darkness visible.
A red tent under the night of dark moon.
A symbol to breathe to begin a fresh sentence.

A cycle of time, the ouroborus.

The Cycle of Time

A a space for creation no beginning no end.
A message from spirit to rekindle our flame.
A new life carried into the heart of the womb.
A source flows in to the valley of life.
A cave comes alive with the light of full moon.
A symbol of fertile earth Gaia her name.
A maiden long gone wise woman emerging.
A shed of old skin and a time to reflect.
A time to discover the cave paintings meanings.
A perspective of art sees true beauty unfolding.

Jeni 22:2:2020  
Poetry is from the heart , a form of art , an expression born of an emotion in time. If you care to share then from my heart to your heart please do and always credit the artist.