We Are All Born Spiritual

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Hello Dear Ones,

Welcome back to our blog. We Are All Born Spiritual .

People often identify themselves as ‘spiritual’ as if it is a special members only club or an entitlement to a higher power .

We Are All Born Spiritual.

We Are All Born Spiritual

This disconnected way of thinking, living or being is actually not spiritual at all. This ‘entitled power over’ actually disconnects both the messenger and the recipient (if they believe it) from accessing and therefore directly gaining realisations from the collective whole.

Within the realms of our mental contimum is the divine blueprint that is accessible by each and every single person who wishes to lead a soul and purposeful existence.

This divine blueprint is like an energy map that your endless soul essence lays down for you to follow within each life.

The soul purpose is for you to evolve and transcend into the spacious  and blissful clarity that is the true nature of the breath and of the mind.

Everything you manifest is a transmission of where you are on that journey.

  • The potential is boundless,  divine , purposeful and magical . You are the creator of it all.
  • The limitations are only your own fears which construct illusory walls and take you away from the potential to create in the bountiful way. You are the creator of it all.

When you finally awaken you will realise that we are all cells within one giant organism, we are all stars within one cosmos, we are all  one swarm of the same hive mind.
Once you embody this you will gain direct access to a boundless charge of pure divine energy.
You will no longer operate from contraction or fear because there is no ‘THEY’ or ‘OTHER’ it is all you .

We Are All Born Spiritual. What a blessing this life is.

Thank you for reading.


If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.

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tel : 07531 191 688

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