We Get What We Tolerate

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Welcome back to our blog, this week – We Get What We Tolerate.

We Get What We TolerateThis week i have been reflecting on the importance of the phrase ‘we get what we tolerate’ and how true that is .

It is really only us that set the perimeters for others within our lives. All of the people  around you will be more led with following your actions rather than your words. 

When what you say and what you do are in alignment this is when you are most full of power. 

It is important to never accept less than you deserve as you are always teaching people how to treat you. (if you do not think you deserve happiness and fulfilment then this is a whole separate issue which will be covered in a different blog).

Some things that can help you reflect within your own life on what you are tolerating ;

1. Say no ….. if it’s not making you happy then why are you doing it ?

2. Learn that selfish is actually a positive word …. why shouldn’t you put your needs first?

3. Love yourself enough to respect yourself….. if you do not love or respect yourself then why would others ?

4. Take a good look at your life and the people around you …. do your relationships lift you up or bring you down ?

Once you have reflected on the questions then maybe its time to be honest and spring clean your life to make room for the RIGHT people to show up?

Truthfully, The people who love you genuinely will stay …. the ones that don’t will leave. if the quality is not in balance for your higher truth then it needs to go. 

Remember , your life does not get better by chance …..it gets better by change!

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how Life Coaching , E.F.T / Matrix Re-Imprinting , Soul Alignment , Clinical Hypnotherapy or any of my other work can help you , then please do contact me.


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