heal your thoughts

Heal your thoughts 

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heal your thoughts Hi All, welcome back to our blog – Have you ever taken some time to heal your thoughts?

We tend to think in the world view of healing the body.
Your thoughts are running the show so it makes sense to heal at the level of thought.

Do you agree ?

We intellectually know that the body heals itself to a certain degree. However i invite you to consider what else could be possible if we can heal our thoughts.

I wonder, is there a potential to create a deeper and more meaningful relationship with ourselves?

Is there a possibility of having our mind heal and our physical body following suit?

I invite you to think about the infinite potentials that could actualise if both the mind and body were working in optimum harmony for the collective whole of you.

Quantum physics proves to us that your mind will affect matter.

We can therefore scientifically and intelligently know that they are not separate. This means that if we can change the programming within our minds then it will affect our environment.

So our environment can be the body, the world we live in daily (our life experiences) or the world on a global level.So it makes perfect sense that if you can heal your thoughts, you can heal your life (body, life , world etc).

So if you take a little time to check in with yourself then your future self will thank you for it.So a little tip from me is to begin the day with a framework for yourself .


“What is the greatest version of myself that I can be today?”

Then try to live out the day in that best version of yourself.

Notice where your thoughts are not allowing you to be the best version of yourself by reflecting at the end of the day. Work on the thoughts that need healing as part of your daily practice.

If we can take the time to focus on where our thoughts need healing we begin to rewrite the brain chemistry. Over time we then help to condition the body to work together with the mind.

When we have mind and body in alignment , this my beautiful ones is where the true alchemy is as we become masters of the abundant power of the universe behind us.

You I truly believe that every person is a generator of true alchemy.

In the words of Glinda the Good Witch
“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it”

Thank you for reading.

If you would like any more information about how Shamanic Healing, E.F.T / Matrix Re-Imprinting , Life Coaching , Spiritual Coaching or any of my other work can help you , then please do contact me.

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tel : 07531 191 68C

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