Why Meditate?

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why meditate Hi All, Welcome back to our blog. Why Meditate?

There are many benefits of meditating on not only our emotional health but also on our physical health.  You can google to find a whole heap of research and study into the extensive benefits of creating a daily practice of meditation.

This post isn’t about the scientific or medical aspects of why we should all meditate. This post is my personal reflection of my own life benefits of why I meditate.

Why Meditate ?

I meditate to reconnect me to who I REALLY am.
I meditate to take me away from the distractions that are everywhere in this busy and amazing modern world.
I meditate as within the stillness lies the answer to everything I ever need to know.
I meditate as I understand that being unbalanced within the energy and emotional body leads to physical disharmony.
I meditate to connect to the abundance of the field. The understanding of this for me is; why would you use a limited source of power when you can use it all?
I meditate as is raises my vibration and when do this I have more to give out to others. 
I meditate because the infinite divine energy and bliss of pure love that flows through when I meditate is my birthright. I choose to accept it all for any past versions of myself who have felt in lack of these feelings.

Well that’s my story and I hope you find at least one of these reasons within the beautiful space of meditation for yourself.

Thank you for reading


If you would like any more information about how Meditation , Spiritual Coaching, Soul Journey Work or any other therapy can help you then please do contact me.

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tel : 07531 191 688

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